Prix : 4 270 € HT
Durée : 5 jours
Code de Référence : D84807
Catalogue Application Development
Cette formation Oracle BPM 12c : Essentials Ed 1 vous apprend à travailler avec des projets d’architecture d’entreprise (BA). Nos formateurs experts vous apprendront à concevoir des formulaires, des règles et des définitions de données.
Objectifs de la formation
A l’issue de cette formation Oracle, vous serez capable de :
- Create business architecture projects and run reports
- Roll up key performance indicators in business architecture reports
- Deploy a business process to BPM Run Time
- Participate in a running process as an end user
- Analyze process workload and performance using Oracle Business Process Workspace
- Collaborate with others who are working on the same BPM project
- Document business processes
- Describe the Business Process Management (BPM) life cycle and how the various components of the Oracle BPM Suite are used
- Create process models and other artifacts using Oracle Business Process Composer and Oracle BPM Studio
- Create and implement user tasks, business rules, and service tasks
- Handle exceptions
- Configure process analytics to gather both standard and custom process metrics
- Create real-time dashboards using Oracle Business Activity Monitoring (Oracle BAM)
Cette formation Oracle BPM s’adresse aux développeurs et analystes.
Cette formation ne nécessite pas de prérequis, hormis la compréhension de l’anglais et de son vocabulaire spécifique IT.
Programme de la formation
The BPM Life Cycle and the Oracle BPM Suite
- About Business Process Management
- Explaining the BPM Life Cycle
- About the Oracle BPM Suite
- Discussing Case Study
Creating Business Architecture Projects
- Discussing Business Architecture
- Describing Business Process Analysis
- Explaining Goals, Objectives, and Strategies
- About Enterprise Maps and Value Chain Models
- Discussing Metrics and Measures: Key Performance Indicators
- About Process Criticality Reports and Impact Analysis Reports
- Getting Started with Oracle Business Process Composer
- Generating and Displaying Reports
Modeling a Process Using Oracle Business Process Composer
- Creating a BPM Project
- Modeling a BPM Process
- Saving and Publishing a BPM Project
Documenting BPM Projects
- Discussing End-user and Internal Documentation
- Using the Graphical View
- Using the Narrative View
- Running Process Reports
Collaborating on BPM Projects
- Collaborating Among Business Process Composer Users
- Collaborating Between Business Process Composer Users and BPM Studio Users
- Importing and Exporting Projects and Process Models
Creating and Using Data Objects
- How Information Is Handled?
- Discussing Basic Versus Complex Data Objects
- Explaining Arguments
- Describing Data Object Scope, Lifespan, and Access
- Creating Business Objects and Data Objects
- Configuring Branching for Exclusive Gateways
- Validating the Project
Implementing User Tasks
- Discussing Human Interaction in a Business Process
- Explaining Patterns in Human Workflow
- Implementing User Tasks
- Creating Web Forms
- Discussing Form-First Workflow Versus Data-First Workflow
- Mapping Data
Implementing Business Rule Tasks
- What are Business Rules?
- Describing Anatomy of a Business Rule
- About Global Variables
- Explaing Value Sets
- Discussing Three Types of Rule Sets
- Creating Business Rules
- Mapping Data Between the Process and the Business rule
- Discussing Best Practices: Enabling Business Users to Customize Rules
Implementing Service Tasks
- About Service Component Architecture
- Explaining Exposed Services, Components, and External References
- Implementing Service Tasks
- Creating a Service or Reference
- Binding a Service Task to the Service or Reference
- Mapping Data
Playing the Process
- What Is Process Player?
- Describing Steps for Using Process Player
- Mapping Users and Groups to Process Roles
- Explaining Process Player User Interface
- Playing the Process
Deploying the Process
- Deploying a Project from Business Process Composer
- Deploying a Project from BPM Studio
Participating in a Running Process
- Launching and Logging In to Oracle Business Process Workspace
- Discussing Business Process Workspace Interface
- Describing Tasks
- Discussing Case Management
- Discussing Process Tracking
- Explaining Standard Dashboards, Custom Dashboards, and Process Monitoring
- Customizing Business Process Workspace
- Participating in a Running Process
Using Additional BPMN Flow Objects
- Discussing Non-Interactive Tasks
- Discussing Interactive Tasks
- Explaining Gateways
- Discussing Events
Communicating Between Processes
- What is Synchronous Communication?
- What is Asynchronous Communication?
- Explaining Peer Process Communication
- Describing Types of Subprocesses
Handling Exceptions
- Designing Beyond the « Happy Path »
- Handling Errors: Options and Tradeoffs
- Discussing Business Exceptions Versus System Exceptions
- Creating a Business Exception
- Specifying the Errors to Catch and Thrown
- Mapping Error Data
- About Policy-Driven Exception Handling
Monitoring the Process
- Discussing End-to-End Process Analytics
- About Built-in Metrics
- Overivew of Process Monitor
- Explaining Standard BPM Dashboards
- About Custom Metrics: Counters, Measures, and Dimensions
- Creating and Using Custom Metrics
- Discussing Business Process Workspace: Three Types of Dashboards
Creating Real-Time Dashboards Using BAM
- Describing Out-of-the-Box BAM Dashboards
- About Oracle BAM Composer
- OEP Integration: Continuous Query Language
- Building a Simple BAM Dashboard
Surfacing KPIs in Business Architecture Reports
- Linking from an Enterprise Map to a BPM Process
- Rolling KPIs Up from a BPM Process Model to a Business Architecture Report
- Generating and Displaying a Process Criticality Report
Méthodes pédagogiques
Alternance d’apports théoriques et d’exercices avec un vaste choix d’exercices pratiques et de scénarios d’atelier permettent de mettre en œuvre les connaissances acquises.
La dernière version du support en anglais est accessible en ligne. Vous aurez à votre disposition un accès contenant tous les matériels de cours de votre formation, ainsi qu’un accès à 5 h de visionnage d’une autre formation de votre choix dans la même thématique. L’ensemble sera disponible pendant 90 jours.
Méthodes d’évaluation des acquis
Afin d’évaluer l’acquisition de vos connaissances et compétences, il vous sera envoyé un formulaire d’auto-évaluation, qui sera à compléter en amont et à l’issue de la formation.
Un certificat de réalisation de fin de formation est remis au stagiaire lui permettant de faire valoir le suivi de la formation.