Oracle BI 12c : Build Repositories


Prix : 4 270 €HT

Durée : 5 jours

Code de Référence : D95505

Catalogue Data Management

This Oracle BI 12c : Build Repositories training teaches you how to build and verify the three layers of an Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) repository, step-by-step. Expert Oracle University instructors will begin by teaching you how to use the Oracle BI Administration Tool to construct a simple repository.

Cette formation Oracle BI 12c: Build Repositories vous apprend, étape par étape, comment créer et vérifier les trois couches d’un référentiel Oracle Business Intelligence (BI). Les instructeurs experts d’Oracle University commenceront par vous apprendre à utiliser l’outil d’administration Oracle BI pour créer un référentiel simple.

Objectifs de la formation

A l’issue de cette formation Oracle, vous serez capable de :

  • Model partitions and fragments to improve application performance and usability
  • Use variables to streamline administrative tasks and modify metadata content dynamically
  • Use time series functions to support historical time comparison analyses
  • Set up security to authenticate users and assign appropriate permissions and privileges
  • Apply cache management techniques to maintain and enhance query performance
  • Set up query logging for testing and debugging
  • Set up a multiuser development environment
  • Use the Administration Tool wizards and utilities to manage, maintain, and enchance repositories
  • Enable usage tracking to track queries and database usage, and improve query performance
  • Perform a patch merge in a development-to-production scenario
  • Use Business Application Archive (BAR) files to move Oracle BI between environments
  • Build the Physical, Business Model and Mapping, and
  • Presentation layers of a repository
  • Build and run analyses to test and validate a repository
  • Build simple and calculated measures for a fact table
  • Create logical dimension hierarchies and level-based measures
  • Check the model and then model aggregate tables to speed query processing


Cette formation Oracle BI 12c s’adresse aux développeurs d’applications, administrateurs de data warehouse, consultants technique et analystes.


Cette formation ne nécessite pas de prérequis hormis la compréhension de l’anglais et du vocabulaire anglais spécifique IT.

Programme de la formation

Introduction to Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition

  • Introduction to Oracle BI EE
  • Oracle BI 12c Architecture
  • Oracle BI 12c Highlights

Working with Oracle Business Intelligence Analyses

  • Introduction to Oracle BI Analysis Editor
  • Oracle BI column types
  • Working with analyses in Oracle BI
  • Adding basic formatting
  • Setting analysis properties
  • Using advanced formatting

Filtering Data for Analyses

  • Introduction to filters and selections
  • Creating, editing, and grouping filters
  • Adding prompts to analyses
  • Dynamic filtering
  • Using saved analyses as filters

Selecting and Grouping Data for Analysis

  • Creating selection steps
  • Creating groups
  • Creating calculated items
  • Creating direct database analysis requests
  • Including advanced SQL clauses in your analysis

Advance Visualization in Analysis

  • Introduction to views, graphs, and editors
  • Working with views in Compound Layouts
  • Creating and editing graphs
  • Performing common view tasks

Showing Results with Pivot Tables

  • Creating, arranging, and formatting a pivot table
  • Using hierarchical columns
  • Sorting in pivot tables
  • Setting aggregation and using totals
  • Showing an item’s relative value
  • Building calculations and displaying running sums

Working with Additional Views in Analyses

  • Creating simple and advanced trellis views
  • Creating performance tile views
  • Working other view types like Treemap and Heat Matrix
  • Linking master-detail views

Visualizing Data on Maps

  • Oracle spatial components
  • Managing map data
  • Creating and editing Map views
  • Interacting with map views
  • Other applications and points of integration for map views

Creating Oracle Business Intelligence Dashboards

  • Creating and editing dashboards
  • Using the Dashboard Builder
  • Exploring dashboard object properties and options
  • Publishing dashboard pages
  • Creating personal customizations and using other page options

Configuring Oracle Business Intelligence Dashboards

  • Exploring types of dashboard content
  • Embedding content in dashboards

Creating Dashboard Prompts and Variables

  • Understanding variables
  • Adding a named dashboard prompt to a dashboard
  • Adding a hidden named dashboard prompt to a dashboard
  • Creating additional prompt page and setting page preferences
  • Adding variable prompts to a dashboard

Scorecards and Key Performance Indicators

  • Objects and components of Oracle Scorecard and Strategy Management
  • Key Performance Indicator (KPI) overview
  • Scorecard document types
  • Creating scorecards and KPIs
  • Creating scorecard documents
  • Editing scorecards and KPIs

Visual Analyzer, BI Ask, and Data Mashup

  • Creating Visual Analyzer Projects
  • Adding and rearranging the Visualizations
  • BI Ask
  • Data Mashups

Working with BI Content in Smart View

  • Working with Views in Smart View Clients
  • Customizing BI data in MS Office
  • Copying and pasting views between Smart View clients
  • Inserting BI views in to Smart View clients
  • Creating and publishing views using the View Designer
  • Federating data from multiple data sources

Oracle Business Intelligence Mobile

  • Downloading and using the Oracle BI mobile application
  • Navigating the Oracle BI mobile application
  • Working with favorites and local content
  • Working with BI content
  • Oracle BI Mobile Security Toolkit

Using Oracle Business Intelligence Delivers

  • Configuring delivery devices and adding delivery profiles
  • Adding an Alert Section to a dashboard
  • Configuring an Agent
  • Using Analysis and KPI conditions to deliver content with Agents
  • Subscribing to an Agent

Administering the Presentation Catalog

  • Oracle BI and catalog security overview
  • Managing security using roles
  • Understanding security inheritance
  • Setting object permissions
  • Setting system privileges
  • Archiving catalog items
  • Working with Oracle BI Briefing Books

Direct Database Analysis

  • Direct Database Analysis Overview
  • Changing Direct Database Analysis Privileges
  • Creating and Executing a Direct Database Analysis


  • SQL Syntax and Semantics
  • Running Aggregate Functions
  • Advance Analytics Internal Logical SQL Functions
  • Advance Analytics External Logical SQL Functions

Méthodes pédagogiques

Alternance d’apports théoriques et d’exercices avec un vaste choix d’exercices pratiques et de scénarios d’atelier permettent de mettre en œuvre les connaissances acquises.

La dernière version du support en anglais est accessible en ligne. Vous aurez à votre disposition un accès contenant tous les matériels de cours de votre formation, ainsi qu’un accès à 5 h de visionnage d’une autre formation de votre choix dans la même thématique. L’ensemble sera disponible pendant 90 jours.

Méthodes d’évaluation des acquis

Afin d’évaluer l’acquisition de vos connaissances et compétences, il vous sera envoyé un formulaire d’auto-évaluation, qui sera à compléter en amont et à l’issue de la formation.
Un certificat de réalisation de fin de formation est remis au stagiaire lui permettant de faire valoir le suivi de la formation.

Commandez une session de formation